Sunday 2 November 2014

Month End Snapshots - September / October 2014

Welcome back to Stomping in the Mud where for two hours, once a week, each child will explore their environment in their own way and in their own time. Learning through play at Stomping is self-directed and age appropriate. Our hope is that the children will learn to follow their own instincts, trust in their own judgements .....  and have fun doing it!



Thanks for Stomping by!


  1. Gorgeous photos as always, Dianne, have shared them on my page. Just love how your whole space has evolved over the past few years.

  2. Real explanatory photos Dianne + Gaie! I love to see all the various creations and playscapes that evolve in a couple of hours. Like the ramps for exploratory fun and discovery , like the kids being able to be little Picasso painters on your fence and mud kitchen mirrors and like the owl and pine cone table. What a great space you offer!!

  3. I loved so much visiting your awesome outdoor program. It's even more special when i see all the photos with the children exploring their environments. It's wonderful thanks for sharing☺
