Sunday 21 April 2013

What Are Our Favourite Loose Parts?

We love loose parts - the looser the better which puts sand and water at  the top of our 'must have available' loose parts list at Stomping in the Mud.

Young children need play opportunities that require them to be explorers. It's the process of exploring and manipulating their world that enhances the children's developing identity and self -confidence.

Loose parts offer play opportunities for children to express themselves creatively and to have control over their environment.

There is no right or wrong way in loose part play. They are engaging and irresistible - add them to the experience, stand back and watch the magic of amazing natural play unfold.
Thanks for Stomping by!


  1. You know how much I love loose parts!

    1. We are addicted to loose parts scavenging...always on the hunt for something new. The clay drain tiles are our latest additions. They are a big hit. Great to hear from you!

  2. Beautiful photos as always - yay for those loosed parts! Hope you'll come over on Friday & join in the latest outdoor play party at my blog.

  3. Love all these loose parts...those children are so lucky to have you. The clay drain tiles are genius!

  4. Thnk-you, Jodie...those clay drain tiles were are real find. They were free from a junk pile that my husband noticed on a construction site. I don't even think you can buy them anymore. I'm looking forward to seeing what the children do with them!

