Tuesday 26 February 2013

Snip, Snip, Snipping; Playing With Scissors

Ah, the allure of scissors. What preschooler can resist them? Using scissors successfully is a challenging skill to learn; one that requires lots of  practice. Young children need many varied opportunities to manipulate and experience how scissors work. In time, and through their scissor play, children develop the fine muscle control needed to cut efficiently. Over the past few months our little Stompers have been snip, snip, snipping! It is amazing to see the concentration on their faces, and how quickly their scissor skills evolve.

Sometimes a friend is very helpful.

At their own pace and in their own way children experience the rewards of success!

Thanks for 'Stomping' by, and happy snipping!

1 comment:

  1. So true.... Scissors are not the easiest tool to manage ! Great seeing all of the items the children can experiment on with their scissors. Good idea with the yarn strings... fun and colourful! Congrats to Stomping IN the MUD - a huge success story! Gaie and Dianne are a dynamic team, no wonder the waiting lists are there!
