Wednesday 18 January 2012

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow..........

entrance into Stomping in the Mud

bamboo heavy with snow

bamboo becomes a tunnel

up to a foot of snow in our play space

our music tree

mud kitchen becomes a snow kitchen

Stomping in the Mud takes a snow day..........


  1. wow, now that's what you call snow! Unfortunately we haven't had any yet, but I still have fond memories of the brilliant stuff we had in December 2010! Thanks for linking up this week Dianne.

  2. We haven't had any snow yet this year, I'm not sure if I'm happy or unhappy about that :)
    Just a quick question... How do you keep the bamboo in your yard under control?? I heard that once it's planted it begins growing everywhere and it's hard to stop. Not sure if that is accurate or not.
    I have a wonderful yard, that at the moment is kinda of a blank slate waiting for some nooks and cranny's to be built.
    I just found your blog, I think from Exploring the Outdoor Classroom Pinterest, I love it!!!! You do such wonderful things with the kids.
