Saturday 8 October 2011

Autumn Days Are Coming.....

the birds & squirrels are enjoying the sunflower head

the forest behind Stomping in the Mud

older neighbourhood children at work

autumn sensory table 

ready for taking home

thrift store find for one dollar, planting more spring bulbs, next a worm farm

mud kitchen

a favourite spot 

the children made cloud dough

"Belonging for young children is being in a place where they feel comfortable enough to play without having to look over their shoulders seeking approval - or dodging disapproval - to explore without fear, to redefine their space and to use materials found around them to create for themselves a sense of order, pattern and structure"
Bev Bos


  1. Hey, what great Autumn colours and fun you've got going in Stomping in the Mud, Dianne! The Cloud Dough looks like even I'd like to play with it....and I love the sensory items in wicker baskets. So down to earth....literally discovering things in and of the Earth!! You rock!

  2. Dianne it's looking great! Congrats on your blogging success you've reached at HUGE audience already! I love the plexi wall that they can fill up and observe

  3. Dianne, I want to come play. I want to bring my granddaughter! Your photos, quotes and environment are heart-warming, life-affirming and wonderful. You are an inspiration and I'm so pleased to see this wonderland for young children to grow, explore and "be" in. We all need a place to muck about freely and let time unfold naturally. Congratulations! Cathie B.
