Wednesday 31 October 2012

Month End Snap Shots!

Here is a random collection of pictures taken over the month of October.  The weather has been very cooperative giving us some lovely warm and dry days. That, along with the leaves,  is quickly changing, and we will soon be truly 'stomping' in the mud!


Thanks for 'stomping' by....

Five Green And Speckled Frogs...

...Sat on a speckled log eating the most delicious bugs, yum yum. One jumped into the pool where it was nice and cool - now there are only 4 green and speckled frogs! The children love this song and request it often...but what child can resist 'helping' the frogs make their jump?

Last week we took the freckled frog jumping to a whole new level...we added all the frogs we could find to the pool!

The extended play that grew from this simple act was wonderful self-directed, social and imaginative.

The play involved problem solving, sharing, negotiating and compromising. All are very important lessons that help children learn about themselves and their world.

   Before we knew it, the frog play was then transferred to the painting and print making table.
The frogs were now swimming in pools of paint...

and part of the printing process!

It was very rewarding and exciting to see the favourite little song develop...

into such a powerful open-ended exploration of the children's play.

This is learning through play at its best; self-directed, full of literacy experiences and lots of fun!

Saturday 27 October 2012

Crockpot Corn...Outside!

On a cool Fall day in Victoria what could be a better snack than local corn with freshly made butter. Yes, we made is so easy and lots of fun!

By cutting the corn cobs in half the children can easily peel away the husks.

To make the butter we add about a half cup of whipping cream to a plastic jar with a tight seal and everyone shakes it...and shakes it...(This is when we sing every jumping, hopping and shaking song we can think of)... 

By the time the corn is cooked and cooled the butter will be ready. Adding a few clean marbles will help speed up the process.

The pre-heated crockpot on high was Dianne's brilliant solution to the question of how to cook the corn outside!

With a swirl in the butter snack was ready...

and enjoyed by all...

followed by a lovely forest walk!