Tuesday 13 December 2011


In the forest, right behind our play group yard, we have a river running through.  Colquitz River is more like a creek most times of the year.   This year, we have many salmon swimming up stream to spawn.

Salmon Fact - Salmon change to red a couple of days after spawning, then they die.

Salmon Fact - Most salmon can swim about 14 km per hour.

Salmon Fact - All salmon spend part of their life in fresh water & part of their life in salt water.

Salmon Fact - In the wild, less than one out of 1,000 salmon eggs laid live to be spawning adults.

If you look at the bottom right hand corner of this picture, you will see orange salmon eggs.

Salmon Fact - One of the most remarkable things about salmon is how they manage to find their natal stream after spending years in the ocean migrating for thousands of miles. One study says the salmon find their natal stream by the smell of it & another study says that the brain of a salmon is sensitive to the magnetic field of the earth & that this may be a factor in the homing instinct. Regardless of the mechanism that enables a salmon to do this, their ability to find the origin of their birth is a remarkable feat.

One of the falls, the salmon jump up to continue their journey.

The children enjoyed their nature walk, the spawning salmon and took pride in showing their parents.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Random Shots..........

we love to paint...........

a very windy day

our spring bulbs are sprouting roots already

perfect morning for a walk in the woods

down to the river

looking for fish

a big log to climb

the start of a beautiful fall day

play dough creations

time for a story - 'The Very Busy Spider' by Eric Carle

spools and pipecleaners

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Pumpkin Time.........

Jack- O- Lantern
Jack- o- lantern,  jack - o - lantern
You are such a silly sight
As you sit there in the window
Looking out at the night
You were once an orange pumpkin
Growing on a green vine
Now you are a jack - o - lantern
See the candle light shine
simple wood shapes painted on, then a print is taken

ready for taking home

pumpkins were moved from one area of the yard to another

Owl Babies by Martin Waddell, has become a favourite book

pumpkin carving with child safe knives

milk jug ghosts.........